Club Statement on Royal Engineers initiatives.

Gillingham Football Club is delighted to announce that further initiatives are planned between the Club and the Royal Engineers, who have been based in the Medway Towns since 1812.

At a meeting last week between Gills Chairman Paul Scally and Brigadier Matt Bazeley, it was agreed that the GFC Ladies will in the future use RE facilities for training on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, and indeed play some of their league fixtures on the RE Garrison pitch.

It was also agreed that the first team could benefit from use of specialist staff, facilities and fitness protocols delivered by the RE, and in return the Club would assist in working on initiatives and promoting recruitment for the Royal Engineers.

Chairman Paul Scally commented: “We have been working with the Royal Engineers on several projects over the years, and are extremely proud to assist our forces in our joint home towns – it is very exciting to be involved in discussing further joint initiatives as we strive to develop new Community projects”.

The RE will be present at the Club when we honour our Armed Forces on Saturday 11 November, alongside Help for Heroes who will be doing bucket collections for their Charity”.

Brigadier Bazeley states: “Working with Gillingham Football Club is an exciting prospect.  The Royal Engineers have a historic and very close relationship with the Medway Towns.  We see real common ground between service as a soldier and professional sport; determination, physical, teamwork, outcome focussed.  So working with Gillingham Football Club is something we look forward to developing together.”