Show Racism the Red Card (SRtRC) is an anti-racism educational charity which uses the high-profile status of football and football players to help tackle racism in society.

Founded in 1996, the campaign's primary output is the delivery of educational workshops to young people and adults in their schools and workplaces, and at events held in football stadiums around Britain.

Gillingham FC are demonstrating the club's zero tolerance policy towards racism by getting behind the charity again this season. This weekend's game against Charlton will be a match of action, paying tribute to over 20 years of SRtRC's anti-racism educational delivery and campaigning.


As part of their campaign, SRtRC also organises a national day of action. Wear Red Day encourages schools, businesses and individuals to wear red and donate £1 to help facilitate the delivery of anti-racism education for young people and adults throughout England, Scotland and Wales. For just £5, SRtRC can educate one child for a whole day.

Wear Red Day 2017 will be taking place on Friday October 20.

Ged Grebby, Chief Executive of Show Racism the Red Card, said: "Wear Red Day is a chance for people across the country to help raise much needed funds for anti-racism education work. Friday October 20 2017 is all about uniting against racism for one day by wearing something red and donating £1.

"Racism affects everyone and each penny we receive from Wear Red Day will make a real difference to a young person's life. The funds raised during Wear Red Day will help us continue to support and educate young people and teachers throughout England.

"Racism continues to be an issue in our society with many people suffering abuse each day. We believe that education is key in challenging racism in society. By working with the next generation in schools we can have a big impact towards eradicating racism and creating a better world in the future."

More information on the work of SRtRC can be found on their website on You can also find out more about Wear Red Day 2017 at


Wear Red Day 2017