Jackson | "It was a no brainer to come back"

Defender back at MEMS Priestfield Stadium.

Ryan Jackson said he is pleased to be back at Gillingham and is looking forward to meeting up with his new team-mates this week.

The defender, who turned 30 on Saturday, re-joined the Gills following three years with Colchester United on Friday, and is keen to get going at a club he knows well.

Speaking to the club website he said: “I’m happy to be back and I’m ready to get to work. I had other offers but knowing how the club is and how the fans are, I really enjoyed my time here before so it was a bit of a no brainer to come back.

“I spoke to Steve Evans after the play-off semi-final [with Colchester]. I had a good three-year spell there and last year we had a good cup run and were involved in the play-offs, but I’m now looking forward to coming back.

“No-one likes to be sat at home, I like to keep fit. Since the play-offs I had a week to myself doing my own bits and now I am now looking forward to meeting up with some of the new boys, and some other faces I will already know.

“Obviously it’s a strange situation having no fans but I still look forward to the time when I play in front of them, they welcomed me with open arms last time and they always supported me.”

Ryan hasn’t had long to recover from the play-offs, but he said given the choice he would prefer to be back to work sooner rather than later.

He added: “I prefer it that way to be fair; there were no games for about four months which us quite a long period of time. Some have waited longer if they haven’t been involved in play-offs, it was good to be back on the pitch and trying to achieve something. It’s a shame we couldn’t but it was still good to be back in the swing of things.

“One thing I have learnt during my career is that anything is possible as long as you believe and have a good team spirit. We are winners at the end of the day so I’m sure it’s [challenging the top group] is a task we will all look forward to.”

The full-back was asked what memories he has from his first Gills spell.

“I remember my first year; we beat Millwall 3-0 at the Den – that was a good memory,” he said. “I recall Dominic Samuel scoring and I think Dacky did too. I remember the atmosphere and it was a good game to be involved in; that was one of my standout games which I really enjoyed.”