Gaffer | "It was the reaction I wanted"

Gaffer delighted with Shrewsbury win.

Steve Evans says he got the big performance against Shrewsbury Town that he demanded after their 2-2 draw against Rochdale on Saturday. 

Goals from Stuart O’Keefe and a penalty from Olly Lee secured the win and it was the exact reaction that Evans wanted. Speaking after the game he said: 

“It was the reaction I wanted in every capacity after our 2-2 draw with Rochdale last week. I know it has been a hard place to go in recent times but we were disappointed to only draw, but the boys trained well and it was a great win against a good Shrewsbury side.

“The crowd, to a man, were outstanding and on another day with different decisions we might have won even more comfortably." 

Wednesday night saw Midfielder Ben Pringle win man of the match and Evans has seen an improvement in him over recent weeks.

“His training performances hadn’t merited a place in the starting line-up but he had a baby two weeks ago and since then we have seen him get better and stronger in training and I saw the Ben that crossing a ball like he did in my Rotherham team when he was player of the year.

“He is a good kid that works hard and he is fit now but we say to every player at this football club that we pick this team on how you perform in training and seeing consistency with a players’ weight etc, because sports science plays a large part these days." 

Wednesday also saw the full debut at MEMS Priestfield Stadium of Striker John Akinde and Evans was pleased with his new signing.

“John turned up tonight with that strength and power," the manager added. "He doesn’t get many decisions even when I have managed him as a kid and tonight he gets smashed all over the park and then gets booked for two or three innocent fouls but John was very good, in fact the front two were very good."

Evans also paid tribute to Jordan Roberts and the boss can see the on-loan Ipswich striker becoming a fans favourite at ME7.

"The fans have really taken to him, they took to him when he first played, they took to him when he scored a couple of goals and all bar scoring he was wonderful against Shrewsbury.

“But I could keep going through the team for man of the match. It was given to Ben but John Akinde could have got it, Jordan Roberts, and I thought Alfie Jones was incredible at winning tackles."

With no League One fixture this weekend due to the demise of Bury, Evans will be giving his side the weekend off.

“The boys trained really hard on Thursday and it is important that they get a break this weekend so that they are fresh and ready for Burton away the following weekend.

“We are in the mix here and if the Chairman can do a couple of bits and then we will be really ready."