Gaffer at the Weekend

Steve Evans delivers his regular Sunday round-up.

Q: Having had chance to reflect on Saturday's performance what is your overall assessment?

A: We had enough good chances to win three games in League 1 but as we all know if you do not convert your chances you leave yourself open to an odd goal defeat, as most opponents will make a chance or two over the 90 minutes.

Again we looked off the pace in the first half and it was a scrappy League 1 game. In the second half we dominated and constantly attacked the Burton goal but we fell short where it mattered.


Q: Was losing the game more frustrating when we had many golden chances to win comfortably?

A: This game is always about scoring goals and defending properly in key isolated attack moments from your opponent, and we did neither.


Q: Tyreke Johnson made his debut, making the starting XI. What did you make of his first appearance?

A: The kid had a decent debut. He delivered a few superb crosses in the first period but he lacked quality service in that period.

In the second half we pushed him up top and he created a few problems, he will be fine for us.


Q: Following the game what was your main message to the squad as we approach a busy period of fixtures?

A: We have to continue to train hard and deliver on a matchday what we practice all week, we are failing to do that consistently.

We are now about to play two games a week for a while so we will get little time to train, but in these Covid times it’s what we must do.


Q: Can we expect more additions to the squad?

A: We are working hard to add to the group and it proves difficult as we cannot shop in the market where big wages are required. However, we are looking at a number of options.


Q: Accrington is next up for us. They're in good form; is it an ideal game to have following Saturday's defeat?

A: Accrington are an excellent team and for me are a promotion candidate for sure.

Credit to John Coleman and his staff, over the years they have built for me the best team they have had in his tenure.


Q: What's the plan for the week ahead? We are back at Beechings which must be beneficial?

A: The lads, as normal, will work hard and I have no doubt they will be hurting from yesterday, a game where our second half dominance should have resulted in a win.

We have the two toughest away matches of the season next so we will need to work smart in our preparation.

Today we are down but I can tell you tomorrow we get back on course to fight!