Fan Forum to be held inside Great Hall

Fans Forum to be held prior to the new season starting.

The Football Club will be holding a fans' forum inside the Great Hall at Priestfield on Thursday July 27.

The owners, Brad and Shannon Galinson, will be present alongside first-team manager Neil Harris and Andy Hessenthaler with Director of Operations, Joe Comper, doing the presenting.

The first question is set to be asked at 7pm with the event due to last approximately one hour. The Factory will be opening at 6pm, and again after questions have been concluded.

This will give supporters the opportunity to ask questions of the panel before the new league seasons kicks off on Saturday August 5th. A second forum of the season will be held in the New Year.

This is an all-ticket event, and they are now sold out. However, the forum will be live streamed for those who cannot make it.