Gaffer getting behind GFC School Red Nose Day challenge

Gills boss meets with GFC School pupils ahead of Red Nose Day challenge.

Gillingham manager Neil Harris met with GFC students prior to their HUGE Red Nose Day challenge on Friday for a motivational chat and he even clocked up some impressive miles on his bike to add to the school’s total.

Staff and students will not only ‘scale’ the highest points of England, Scotland and Wales on March 17th but they will also cycle the distance between them.

The school will use the stairs of the Rainham End stand to walk up throughout the day to match the amount of steps it would take to ascend Snowdon (1085m), Ben Nevis (1344m) and Scafell Pike (978m). They will also get on their exercise bikes to replicate the 462 gruelling miles needed to travel to each point. 

“What these students are doing is amazing,” said Harris. “It was great to meet them today; you can sense that they are definitely up to the challenge!”

Red Nose Day is an annual fundraising campaign to end the cycle of child poverty and ensure a healthy future for all children. Through the power of entertainment, laughter and fun, the charity raises money and awareness to ensure all children are safe, healthy, educated, and empowered in the U.K. and abroad.

If you would like to donate to an amazing cause and support our school’s effort please click on the following link: